General Dynamics
Facilities Team Leader
Complete satisfaction with DYKOLUBE 5500, synthetic cutting fluid. We have experienced good tool life and no corrosion on our machines for more than 12 months. Maintenance cost improved by performing fewer system coolant changes.

Egyptian Railways
Railway General Manager
DYKOTHERM Grease 2000 HD Is resistant to high temperatures in addition to its strong cohesion. It maintains wear for long periods, thus preventing the problem of chairs collapsing and the bearing getting out of its place.

Abu Zaabal Engineering Industries
engineering and maintenance manager
After analysis, the ability of the lubricants to mix and match with the existing lubricants was confirmed and gave good results with a noticeable improvement in the properties of the oils, and the performance became more efficient.

Ravarini Castoldi
Quality Insurance
Good atomization among the blade length and Good uniformity and distribution on metal sheets.
The oil DYKOLUBE RP 777 is suitable for electrostatic application with blade oilers.

Egyptian Iron and Steel
Maintenance Manager
DYKOLUBE RP 778 with anti-rust oil from Industrial Speciality Lubricants (ISLUB), it was found that the workpiece had no rust.